Our Philosophy

These are our guiding principles.

  • We believe that you are your child’s best teacher, so we ask that you or your caregiver be engaged. That means play, dance, sing, and avoid phone use.

  • We believe that mindfulness is critical to early childhood development. The world is fast-paced, many toys are overstimulating, and we’re all over committed. Our classes create space for parents, caregivers and children to slow down and be present.

  • We believe that relationships are key to successful parenting, so we create space for connection and friendship.

  • We believe that parents should be empowered. Resources, experts and education give you the confidence to problem solve, trust your intuition and get support, when needed.

  • We believe that play materials should be open-ended and multi-sensory to encourage discovery and creativity.

  • We believe that children learn and participate at their own pace, so let your child lead, whether that means diving in or sitting back to observe.

  • We believe that, from the beginning, children are capable, thinking beings that deserve respect. We listen to their cues and encourage you to do the same.

  • We believe in raising environmental stewards, so we foster an appreciation of earth’s wonders through our curriculum, us recyclables and non-toxic, sustainable play tools.

  • We believe that nature is the best playground, so we utilize local green spaces to teach and inspire.