Our Story

The only thing harder than being a parent, is being a new parent. I learned this seven years ago in New York City. Then, in 2021, I became a new parent again, this time in Palm Beach. 

As a social worker and teacher, I heard all about the challenges of parenting. So when I found out I was expecting, I decided preparation was key. I read everything from “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” to “Spiritual Midwifery.”  I knew the 5 Ss and every breastfeeding position. My husband and I could swaddle a doll with lightning speed and time contractions without a clock. My hospital bag was packed and my birth plan was ready. I was educated and in control. 

Except I wasn’t. My plan for a natural birth ended with a late epidural and hours of pushing. I went home madly in love with my baby but aching as if I ran several marathons. Solitude, spontaneity, and a solid night of sleep felt like relics of the past.  I questioned how I could realistically return to my demanding job in education. We quickly learned that nothing can fully prepare you for parenthood. 

At 6 weeks we went to our first class–infant massage–and I was hooked.  I loved being surrounded by other mothers and babies, singing and learning together. We stripped our babies down to their diapers, etched I love you onto their tiny bellies, and soaked in strategies to relieve tummy troubles. I realized that we benefited most when education, community and play naturally come together. When I had my second, we had a community of support and access to amazing programs, which made all the difference.

As it did for many, the pandemic brought great change for our family. We relocated to Palm Beach and found out that, surprise, I was pregnant again. I immediately sought out prenatal, birth and postpartum support–but I quickly realized it was hard to find. I was lucky that, as a third time parent, I knew what to look for, but there were so few options. I realized that I had to create something for Palm Beach’s growing community of dynamic, young families.

Enter ZenHippo–a collective of local experts offering talks and classes for expecting and new parents, caregivers, babies and toddlers. We make it easy for families to access essential education and community while improving early childhood outcomes. 

Parenting will never be easy or predictable. It will fill you with joy and despair–sometimes simultaneously! But when education, community, and play authentically come together, it radically transforms these early years of parenting. I can’t wait for what’s ahead.

Loren Headshot